Pixel Jam Pondering's

Why Fiverr Isn't the Right Choice for Your Business

In today's digital age, businesses often turn to online platforms to find freelancers for various tasks. Fiverr is one such platform that has gained immense popularity. It boasts a vast pool of freelancers ready to tackle your design, writing, coding, and other needs. But is it really the best choice for your business?

Why Fiverr Isn't the Right Choice for Your Business

In today's digital age, businesses often turn to online platforms to find freelancers for various tasks. Fiverr is one such platform that has gained immense popularity. It boasts a vast pool of freelancers ready to tackle your design, writing, coding, and other needs. But is it really the best choice for your business?

Quality and Consistency Issues

Quality is paramount in the world of business. Whether you're crafting a logo, designing a website, or writing content, inconsistency in quality can harm your brand's reputation. On Fiverr, you'll find freelancers with varying skills and backgrounds. While some are incredibly talented, others may not meet your expectations. Imagine the consequences of a poorly designed logo or a website riddled with errors.

Limited Customisation

Every business is unique, and your branding should reflect that individuality. Fiverr often offers limited customisation options, as many freelancers work within predefined templates or approaches. Your business deserves a design or branding solution tailored precisely to your needs, and Fiverr's one-size-fits-all approach can fall short.

As an example for this article, I did a generic search for 'Logo & Branding Design' and the first entry was the following:

Fig 1. A typical Fiverr Logo Design entry.

Upon initial inspection, the Penguin Fish logo design appears quite appealing. It skillfully employs negative space and achieves a delightful balance that is undoubtedly eye-catching. However, a significant issue arises upon closer examination. A straightforward Google image search for 'Penguin Fish Logo' yields numerous outcomes, all asserting their status as "unique" logo creations. It's implausible that three entirely distinct logo designs could share the same concept, composition, fonts, and colours.

Fig 2. Two completely separate websites claiming the creative ownership of the same logo available on Fiverr

Communication Challenges

Effective communication is essential when working on creative projects. Fiverr freelancers hail from around the globe, leading to potential language barriers and time zone differences. Clear communication is vital to ensure your project aligns with your vision. It can be frustrating when your ideas get lost in translation.

Hidden Costs

While Fiverr gigs can appear budget-friendly at first, hidden costs can quickly add up. Rush fees, extra revisions, and platform service fees can significantly increase your project's cost. It's essential to carefully assess the final bill and compare it to the potential cost of hiring a professional directly.

Lack of Ownership and Accountability

When you use Fiverr, you might not have full ownership of the work produced. The platform's terms of service can sometimes limit your rights to the final product. Additionally, accountability can be an issue if a freelancer fails to deliver as promised. Revisions might not come as easily as you'd expect and you might end up paying a lot more than originally agreed. It could also prove to be difficult to protect the ownership of your new logo design when the originality of the logo could be difficult to prove. We would always recommend using a professional logo and branding design agency to ensure that your logo design is as unique as your business.

Security and Confidentiality Concerns

Sharing sensitive business information on Fiverr raises security and confidentiality concerns. While many freelancers are undoubtedly trustworthy, there's always a risk when you're sharing sensitive data online. It's essential to prioritise security and protect your business's interests. We recommend that you attempt to maintain confidentiality and security by insisting any and all work be secured through a signed and agreed non-disclosure agreement.

Alternatives for Businesses

So, if Fiverr isn't the ideal solution for your business, what are the alternatives? Consider hiring local professionals who can provide personalised, face-to-face service. Specialised agencies often offer comprehensive design, development, and branding services. Exploring other freelance platforms that emphasise professionalism and quality can also be a smart move. At the end of the day, if you are looking for a quick solution and your budget wont allow you to stretch to hiring a professional then Fiverr can prove to be a useful resource.

It's crucial to assess the worth you place on your own business. It can be rather disheartening when a designer on Fiverr values your business at approximately £5, which may feel somewhat insulting.


In conclusion, while Fiverr can be a convenient option for some tasks, it may not be the right choice for your business. Quality, customisation, communication, hidden costs, ownership, accountability, and security are crucial factors to consider. We encourage you to prioritise these aspects when seeking design, development, or branding services. Your business deserves nothing less than the best.

Glenn Cahill
Article written by

Glenn Cahill

Creative Director

Glenn started his career working as a part-time art worker at the tender age of 16. Since then he has worked in Graphic Design for print and digital, Web Design and has even branched out into 3D Modelling and Motion Design. He possess a real passion for all things design and has also designed a range of T-Shirts that he sells on his online store. He founded Pixel Jam as he felt that there were many businesses that could benefit from his knowledge and skillset.

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